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Trinity, what's wrong with it?

The various responses I have already received to the topic of the Trinity (and the other topics on this site) have made clear to me that the Bible knowledge of the average Christian is far below zero. As a result, one tends more than once to willingly swallow what others have already chewed, even when the Bible teaches something completely different. So that in addition to the positive reactions that I already received on this subject, I also received criticism, which was to be expected.
And so it may happen that in defending the “evidence” for a trinity, one ignores the conflict between this teaching and the gospel of Jesus Christ as stated in the New Testament. Jesus' own statements are also ignored. That was also to be expected. The real message of the gospel has been massively replaced within “Christianity” by teachings of evil spirits, and in this climate the originally pagan trinity mystery has survived. To be clear, believing in a trinity has nothing to do with whether or not one has been saved. In other words, the fact that a person believes in the trinity does not mean that his salvation is at stake, but that an obstacle has been thrown that can prevent man from discovering the truth of the gospel, as Jesus teached us. Eternal salvation is therefore certainly not the subject of this page.

The real purpose of the Trinity dogma, as it has been smuggled into Christianity, is to divert attention from that one and only Name by which we can be saved: Jesus Christ. By replacing that Name with a “divine trinity” that is to be worshiped (according to a statement by the late Pope John Paul II), the heart is cut out of the gospel of Jesus. Many more stumbling blocks have been thrown in the way of God's people over the centuries that still make Christianity crippled and powerless to this day. Such as the centuries-old accepted teachings that defeated and chained millions in both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. Current Christianity is therefore full of “holy” houses and these houses hinder access to the real gospel of Jesus Christ. It is therefore my hope that the reader's eyes may be opened. The gospel Jesus taught His disciples has been far too long ignored.

During the Reformation, the originally pagan dogma of the Trinity was silently copied as a computer virus, so that this deception is still believed in the Protestant churches up to and including the Pentecostal churches and the evangelical congregations. This reformation started after Martin Luther (rightly) questioned certain elements of the Roman doctrine. However, the dogma of the Trinity was not included, so that this dogma could escape attention during the subsequent reformation.


The origin of the Trinity dogma.

In the Bible book of Revelation much attention is paid to the great city of Babylon, the great harlot. It's the name for the false church facing the true congregation of Jesus Christ in the end times. The spiritual origin of this Babylon lies in ancient Babylon that was once founded by Noah's great-grandson, namely one Nimrod. By the origin of modern-day Babylon, I mean the emergence of occultism and sorcery during the post-Flood period in Babylon, founded by Nimrod. This development culminated in the building of the tower of Babel but by God's intervention through the Babylonian speech confusion, the occultists of Babel were scattered all over the earth, as we can read in Genesis 11:8: “Thus the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth, and they stopped building the tower.” The occultism of ancient Babylon has since spread all over the earth and can also be found in today's Babylon, the false church, about which we can read in the Bible book of Revelation. This occultism is so intertwined with the teaching of modern-day Babylon that the spiritual legacy of ancient Babylon is present in every nook and cranny of it. Part of that legacy is the doctrine of the Trinity.

About the founder of ancient Babylon, Nimrod, is said in Genesis 10:8: “He was the first ruler of the earth.” Apparently he was married to his mother named Semiramis. This woman was a sorceress who had a son after Nimrod's death. This son was given the name Tammuz. She managed to make the gullible people believe that this son of fornication was Nimrod's son. According to her, Nimrod had returned as a ghost and had begun new life with her. Notice the striking resemblance to the birth story of Jesus. She also managed to worship Nimrod as a god who lived on in his “son” while she herself wanted to be worshiped as a goddess. The Bible book of Jeremiah mentions the fact that the people of Israël are engaged in the worship of this “heavenly queen.” We can read this in for example Jeremiah 44:16-19 where it says: “As for the word which you (Jeremiah) have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not listen to you; but we will certainly do all that we have spoken, and make sacrifices for the queen of heaven, and bring her libations, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem.” These apostate Jews continued to stubbornly ignore all warnings already uttered by various prophets. This same persistence is the reason why the gospel of Jesus is still ignored en masse.

In this form, the first trinity was born, namely in the trio: Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz. It is striking that the people of Israël, as shown in the preceding text, were primarily concerned with the worship of the female part of this trinity, that is, with this “queen of the heaven” Semiramis, who has been known under several names throughout history, reflected in a deluge of pagan religions. The apostle Paul also experienced this in Acts 19. Paul tried to convey the gospel to the Ephesians but they did not want competition for their goddess, as can be seen from verses 33 and 34: “And from the crowd information was given to Alexander, who had pushed the Jews forward, and Alexander beckoned by hand and wanted to give a defense speech to the people. But when they found out that he was a Jew, a cry from all went on for two hours: Great is the Artemis of the Ephesians!” Even today, this heavenly queen is still worshiped in the Roman Catholic Church, although this is done under the name of Mary.

In the further course of history, this pagan trinity was renamed. In Egypt we encounter the three again in the form of Osiris-Isis-Horus. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is the hero who died, Isis his wife and Horus the child born after Osiris' death. Here again we find, with regard to the “virgin” birth, an agreement with the birth story of Jesus. How could Satan create this myth long before Jesus came? That was made clear to satan shortly after the fall!!


How did this dogma creep into Christianity?

The Roman doctrine and the Council of Nicea.

History tells us that Egypt was annexed to the Roman Empire around the beginning of our era. From the data known about the culture and religions of the Romans in the first four centuries of our era, we know that in this Roman empire a number of religions competed for the favor of the people. These included Christianity and the Osiris-Isis-Horus myth imported from Egypt. An Isis temple was opened in Rome in the year 38 by Emperor Caligula. This made the worship of the Egyptian goddess Isis in the Roman Empire a fact. When Emperor Constantine “converted” to Christianity in the fourth century AD, he made Christianity the state religion of the Roman empire, displacing the other religions from the scene. Or so it seemed. In reality, various elements of these pagan religions, which dominated Roman life at the time, were silently adopted by emerging Roman Catholicism and incorporated into Roman teaching.

The foundation of the trinity as it would take shape in Christianity was laid during the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. This Nicea Council was convened by the aforementioned Emperor Constantine, who is said to have converted to “Christianity” while remaining (as is believed) simultaneously a (high) priest of a pagan religion. His intention was to unify church and state in order to use the church as an instrument for achieving unity within the Roman empire. In order to secure his own power as emperor. During this Council the duality was established and the hatred of Jews was also stirred up. In such a climate, decisions are made all too quickly that are an abomination to God. This fact alone makes the religious value of such a meeting very questionable!! At the Council of Constantinople in 381, this duality was extended to the trinity by the addition of the Holy Spirit. And so the trio Father-Son-Holy Spirit became complete. A trio that, in addition to the aforementioned trio Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz, had found its place in Roman doctrine, while the latter trio is now known under the names Holy Spirit-Mary-Jesus. So there is no question of one, but even two trinities.

Around the time of Emperor Constantine, Christianity had supplanted, or perhaps more accurately, incorporated, the other religions in the Roman religion. At this point we have to note that there was fanatical rumbling and tinkering to the gospel of Jesus, which in the end no longer corresponded to the gospel that Jesus once taught His disciples. The adapted religion that took its place was screwed together by people who were primarily concerned with their own position of power, while Jesus made it clear to His disciples that whoever wanted to be first among them should be willing to serve. We can read this in Matthew 20:25-27: “But Jesus called them to Himself, and said, You know that the rulers of the nations have dominion over them, and the great powers exercise power over them. It is not like that among you. But whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be your slave.” The latter cannot be said of one emperor Constantine. One could therefore ask himself whether:

Christianity, through the agency of Emperor Constatine, became part of the Roman empire or that....
the pagan Roman state was incorporated into “Christianity”. Like a wolf in sheepskin.

The latter is in fact the case, with all its disastrous consequences. So in fact we are dealing with the Roman Catholic Church! However, the reality is that this Roman Catholic teaching is one hundred percent paganism, which has been given a “Christian” mask. It is a mixture of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a host of pagan elements and these elements are referred to in the Bible as teachings of evil spirits. This was confirmed once more when I was watching a documentary about the Vatican, entitled “Look the Vatican”. The Roman presenter literally said: “The Romans have embraced the Christian faith in their hearts about 2000 years ago and mixed this with their own traditions and folklore”. This deceived presenter will probably not have realized the meaning of his own words, but he did unmask the Roman doctrine as a false, pagan and corrupt “gospel”!!


Kabbalah and New Age.

There is more going on. It was to be expected. As we can read in the Bible, the people of Israël had made it a persistent habit to turn aside from the God who led them out of the land of Egypt. In Deuteronomy 31:29: we read: “The Lord said to Moses, Behold, you rest with your fathers, and this people shall run after adulteress before the strange gods of the land wherein it cometh; they will forsake Me and break my covenant that I have made with them.” This was what Moses heard from God at the end of his life after all those (forty) years in which he had dragged that constantly complaining people through the desert.
Further history teaches us that this prophecy has proved all too true because in Mark 7:9 Jesus says to the religious leaders of the people of Israël: “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition!” And also in Luke 11:46 it was again bulls eye: “for you impose unbearable burdens on men, and you yourself do not touch those burdens with one of your fingers.”
As for that tradition, one of these is the Kabbalah to this day. It can best be described as a doctrine of mystery in which all kinds of far-fetched theories about the origin of the universe are taught, along with a whole load of far-fetched and religiously tinted dogmas and other ridiculous nonsense. In the Bible we read that Paul and the other apostles were also regularly affected. Paul therefore wrote to Timothy: “O Timothy, keep what is entrusted to you, keep out of the reach of the unholy, hollow sounds and the contradictions of the wrongly so-called knowledge. Some, who are spokesmen for it, have lost track of faith.” (1 Timothy 6:20-21). The notorious gnostic religion plus some letters excavated from the desert sand are also part of that. Such as, for example, the “letter of Judas” which is examined elsewhere on this site.
For completeness, here are some of these warnings as we can read them in the letters of the apostles:

Obviously, as the only Mediator between the Father and us sinners, Jesus Christ is not at all covered in the occult doctrine of the Kabbalah or Gnostic which, it seems, originated in Egypt. Kabbalah has inspired many occult and mysterious orders such as the Rosicrucians, The Theosophical Society, Anthroposophy, the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the whole mess.
What all these creeps claim we can summarize under the name New Age. “What's so new about that 'New' Age?” a reasonably thinking person rightly wonders. Well, nothing really. It is the same snake with only a new skin.


The similarity.

If we delve into the Kabbalah and the New Age we will find, among other things, triangular relationships, trinities, triads and: tirades of those who think they have to defend all these teachings of evil spirits. If we now limit ourselves to the Kabbalah we will encounter the following striking resemblance to the “traditional” trinity as revered by Christianity.
Preliminary note: There is much to say and write about the doctrine of the Kabbalah, especially about the intricate constructions that the Jews devised to give a face to their fantasies, which they were already guilty of by the way in Jesus' days, but I limit this explanation to the core of the subject. So the Kabbalah is not the subject of this page.

The Kabbalah speaks of a creator God from whom the universe originated, called Kether, who has similarities with God the Father, as we know it from the Bible. Then, according to the Kabbalists, we are left with a world father and a world mother. The latter has a position similar to that of the Holy Spirit, and this world mother is, as the name suggests, feminine according to the Kabbalah.
Then there is the already mentioned world father. It is striking that Freemasonry, which has many (occult) similarities with the Kabbalah, also attaches great importance to John 1:1-5 where the Word, Jesus Christ, emerges as the source of our existence, witness verse 3: “All things have become through the Word, and without this there is no thing that has become.” However, it should be noted that, according to Freemasonry, this Bible passage is definitely not about the person of Jesus Christ. Although the Freemasons believe in a “Christ spirit”, this spirit is not the same in their view as Jesus of Nazareth (as we know Him from the Bible). If we now return to the (just as occult) Kabbalah, it appears that this same “Christ spirit” also fits in with the image of the world father as portrayed by the Kabbalah. And not only that: according to the Kabbalists in the New Testament, this “Son spirit of Christ” is the replacement of the “Father spirit of Yahweh”, from the Old Testament. Note: here the Kabbalists do not mean Jesus of Nazareth but a “divine spirit” who would have indwelled in Jesus of Nazareth for three years and who left Him again at His death, according to the Kabbalah.

It is safe to say that triangular relationships, triads, trinities and the like play an important role in occultism. This is in contrast to the gospel of Jesus Christ, which places great emphasis on the duality as we find it in marriage; which is a picture of the marriage between Jesus Christ and His church and that is exactly what the whole gospel is all about, as we read in Ephesians 5:32: “This mystery is great, but I speak in view of Christ and His Church”. And we all know that when a third partner joins in marriage adultery takes place. This devil-controlled world is full of it.

The foregoing shows us that the resistance to the Messiah can still be found to this day in the same people in which our Messiah was born, but from which also arose a (further) developed occult teaching like the Kabbalah. This Kabbalah is an absolutely Jesus Christ-hostile doctrine that has inspired various anti-Christian and mysterious sects and orders. That is why the apostle Paul urged in Ephesians 5:11: “And do not partake of the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” And hence this explanation concerning a Christianized trinity.


And.... what about that Holy Spirit?

What has been accepted by Christendom for centuries as a result of the dogma of the Trinity is not clear from the Bible, and by that I mean the generally accepted belief that the Holy Spirit is next to God the Father and God the Son a third God we should worship. In John 14:26 we read something from which seemingly a clue could be taken for that third God: “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and teach you all things I have said”. It seems as if Jesus is talking here about a third person within the deity, but in Joel 2:28 Yahweh speaks: “I will pour out My Spirit on all that lives,” and by this Holy Spirit He means His own Spirit and therefore speaks about Himself and not about an other spirit.
The only other name besides God the Father that is mentioned by name in the Bible is the God who came into the world as the man Jesus Christ: the only begotten Son of God, who revealed Himself in the Old Testament to the people of Israël as Yahweh. In fact, Jesus speaks in John 14:26 also about Himself in His role as Comforter.

In John 14:18-19, this is very evident when He says, “I will not leave you behind as an orphan. I come to you. Just a little while longer and the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me, because I live and you will live.” The disciples were not left behind as orphans because not long after Jesus' return to the Father they received that other Comforter that Jesus promised them in verses 16 and 17: “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Comforter to to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive, for it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He remains with you and will be in you.” While Jesus announces that coming Comforter (the Holy Spirit), He does this by saying, “I come to you.” So He leaves no doubt that He is directly involved. So also Jesus is that promised Comforter.

This is evident from John 14:23 where He says, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word and My Father will love him and We will come to him and dwell with him.” We also read here that Jesus comes to us as the Holy Spirit, which means that God the Father and His Son want to come into our lives as the Holy Spirit. And once again Jesus articulates His own role as Comforter in John 14:21 where He says, “Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me; and whoever loves Me will be loved by my Father and I will love him and reveal Myself(!) to him”. This close cooperation between the Father and the Son is also discussed just as Jesus confesses to the hostile Jews in John 10:30: “I and the Father are one”. With which He indicated that they are perfectly aligned, have one aim and are working towards that same goal. And why? Because their nature and character are equal.
Also, studying the Greek text of verse 30 shows that the word for one used in the text does not mean that Jesus and the Father are one and the same. However, it does indicate their unanimity .


The appearance.

From what Jesus Himself has made known about the Holy Spirit, we can conclude that the Holy Spirit is a manifestation of God the Father and of the Son: it is the Spirit of the Father together with the Spirit of the Son. Because I have received questions about the appearance of several readers that showed that this description can cause confusion, let me first explain what I mean by this description. And what I am trying to describe with this description is really simply: the way Jesus reveals Himself to man and maintains contact with man, and thus the way He appears to man. He did this as the person Jesus Christ in the way we know well: in the form of human being to human being contact. However, this form of contact has its limitations. Therefore, in His appearance as a human, he could only address a limited number of disciples. He does not have this limitation in His manifestation as the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, however, as a Holy Spirit He is invisible to the world (the unconverted people). He is visible to the disciples who have received the Holy Spirit, but not to their natural eyes but to the eyes of their heart. Jesus indicated this being visible / invisible in John 14:18-20: “I will not leave you as an orphan. I come to you. Just a little while longer and the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me, because I live and you will live. In that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.” Also in the last sentence of this text Jesus speaks again about the close cooperation between Him and the Father with the words: “....that I am in my Father....”


Man has a spirit, soul and body. A brief explanation now follows about the concepts of spirit and soul. The body is the part of us that functions in this visible world and with which we are visible to our fellow human beings. Our spirit and soul, which together form our personality, on the other hand, function in the spiritual world and remain hidden from others. However, our personality, thoughts, opinions and decisions are made visible by the things we do and which are visible to others thanks to our body. Over the years I have heard and read the most diverse theories about spirit and soul. The knowledge about this remains hard to understand, especially for the unconverted and naturally thinking (scientific) person. It is therefore very difficult to draw an exact and provable line between what is spirit and what is soul because they are both part of the same person. It has become clear to me from practice as well as from the information in the Bible that our spirit contacts, focuses on, and deals with the spiritual world. While our soul takes almost exclusively into account what our bodily senses tell us and is therefore (heavily) influenced by natural circumstances, situations and events. A disciple of Jesus should learn during his spiritual growth that his spirit will always have to keep the lead, which means that in all circumstances our faith will continue to focus on the things above and on the promises of the Kingdom of God. So that what the apostle John already wrote in 1 John 5:4 will eventually happen: “For all that is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith”. This faith is not intimidated by the circumstances and persecutions that come upon a disciple of Jesus in the visible world. However, when a man, over and over again watching what his senses tell him, becomes unbalanced and forgets God's words, panicks and feels insecure, his soul has taken over instead of his spirit. And that soul does not consider the things above. Such a person lives upside down spiritually. I have encountered this phenomenon many times with (unconverted) people who are only terribly occupied with the things of this world, such as their “career”, their bank account, their (expensive) car and everything else that attracts the attention of a person. It only keeps him from the things that really matter, and that's all that has eternal value. As soon as things don't go the way they want, they go flat and are completely preoccupied with the worries of this world, together with all the additional frictions and irritations. These naturally thinking people are described in 1 Corinthians 2:14: “But an unspiritual man does not accept that which is of the Spirit of God, for it is foolishness and he can not understand it, because it is only to be judged spiritually.” However, a disciple of Jesus should consider the things that are above, where Christ is, and should focus his spirit on God's words. The result: a balanced character that develops further through the association with God's Holy Spirit, whereby the faith of his spirit protects him from all the stumbling blocks that are thrown on his life path by Satan.
The above is presented very concisely in 1 Corinthians 15:45-47: “Thus it is also written, The first man Adam became a living soul; the last Adam is a life giving Spirit. But the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second Man is the Lord from heaven”. The natural man Adam lived in the natural world and his soul saw only a beautiful world before the fall because his bodily senses only told him beautiful things and so there was nothing to unbalance him. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, on the other hand, had an incomparably different task. He faced Satan's army in His lifetime on earth, and as the man of sorrows his soul in the natural world had little to lift him up. Because His spirit continued to lead and through His obedience to the Father He did not lose faith in the good outcome, He overcame the hellish resistance of the armies of Satan. Jesus' spirit remained in the lead and with that He set an example to all His (future) disciples and became the cause of eternal salvation for us. We read that in Hebrews 5:9: “And when He had reached the end, He became a cause of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” Because He opened the way from death to eternal life for us through His suffering and overcoming, Jesus is a life giving Spirit, which for example in Colossians 3:4 is confirmed: “When Christ appears, who is our life, you also will appear with Him in glory.” He raised us from (spiritual) death and gave us eternal life. So far this explanation about the difference between spirit and soul.


All He Hears ...

In John 16:13 we read: “For He shall not speak by Himself, but whatsoever He hears He shall speak.” Just as we use our bodies to make our thoughts known to others, the Holy Spirit passes on the thoughts of Jesus to us and He has nothing to add to them. He is not the source but the communicator of these thoughts. Thoughts that originally come from the Father. So the source of everything is and remains God the Father, so that in Matthew 24:36 Jesus had to confess to His disciples: “But of that day and that hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only the Father.” In the Old Testament, Jesus was already the spokesman for the Father as Yahweh and for that reason He is mentioned by the apostle John in John 1:1-18 called as the Word of God that was with God and came into the world. (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”)
After coming into the world, He prayed to the Father in John 17:8: “For the words which You have given Me, I have given them, and they have received them and truthfully acknowledged that I came from you, and they have believed that you sent me.” And in John 12:49 He puts it as follows: “For I have not spoken on my own, but the Father who sent Me has himself given Me a commandment, what I should say and speak.” Even after Jesus' return to the Father, this situation has remained unchanged, as shown by Revelation 1:1: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God (the Father) has given to Him to show His servants the things which must shortly come to pass, and which He revealed by His angel unto His servant John”. God the Father is the One who speaks and Jesus is the One who hears it and then (as the “Word of God”) passes on those words. So if the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Jesus) will speak “all that He hears” (John 16:13), that is what He has heard from the Father. That is why Jesus continues with these words in John 16:14-15: “He (the Holy Spirit) will glorify Me, for He will take it from Mine and proclaim it to you. All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said, He takes from Mine and will declare it to you.” So the Holy Spirit takes from the gospel that Jesus heard and received from the Father which Jesus in turn passed on to His disciples.
We should also remember that when Jesus said in Matthew 28:18: “I have been given all power in heaven and on earth,” it is inconceivable that Jesus would have no involvement in the affairs of this world. One Saul learned this when he was intercepted on his robbery to Damascus and asked, “Who are you Lord?” Him was told, “I am Jesus whom you persecute. (Acts 9:5). As the Holy Spirit, Jesus can take on any form He wants and in this case it was the bright light, that turned out to be too bright for the eyes of the sinner Saul, resulting in his (temporary) blindness.


The Spirit in the New Testament.

When we study the Bible, it appears that the Holy Spirit is never mentioned by name. In the Old Testament, the God of the Israëlites has several names including: Yahweh and El Shaddai and several other names. In addition to His “earthly” name, Jesus also has the name: Emmanuel, which means: God with us. But where there is mention of the Holy Spirit, He is never referred to by name. When Jesus announces the Holy Spirit, He calls Him the Comforter (John 14:15-17), so this indicates His task. Also the “Spirit of truth” in John 14:17 indicates what His job is: to teach the truth. In Joel 2:23 He is called the teacher of righteousness . This also indicates His function. So if the bible speaks about the Spirit of God then it's simply about God (both the Father and the Son) Who is Spirit and that indicates the Father and the Son in their manifestation as Holy Spirit.

When Jesus says in John 10:30: “I and the Father are one (in purpose and one in striving)” He points to their unanimity. Whenever Jesus speaks of His intimate relationship with God, He only speaks of the Father and Himself. Any third person in that close relationship is nowhere mentioned in the Bible by Jesus. If indeed a third person had been involved in this “trinity”, Jesus would undoubtedly have spoken about it and He would have involved the Holy Spirit as the third person in this close relationship. On the other hand, when Jesus does speak to His disciples about the Holy Spirit, proclaiming it as the promised Comforter, the subject of conversation is the substitute task of the Comforter and not His “Trinity membership.”

Comments on this website have shown me that from the way Jesus speaks about the Holy Spirit it is believed that one can deduce that Jesus is indeed talking about another person. However, it is my general impression that it is often completely forgotten that Jesus by His incarnation had left the status He had before. So he was truly human, and as a human being He spoke of the Holy Spirit. By which I want to indicate that the man Jesus spoke about the God Jesus. The same God that the Jews in the Old Testament knew as Yahweh! In Philippians 2:5-7 we read: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:”

He showed His disciples several times that, after completing His task on earth, He would return to His Father and thereby discard His humanity. So it is about the big difference between Jesus as a man and His status as our Creator(!). So when the man Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit, He spoke about the Spirit of His Father and about Himself, namely about Himself in His acquired position after having left behind His (temporary) human status. The prophet Daniël already saw that in a vision, in chapter 7:13-14: “I kept watching the night views and behold, with the clouds of heaven came someone like a son of man; He went to the Ancient of Days, and was led before Him; And rulership and honor and royal power were given to Him, and all peoples, nations, and languages served Him. His dominion is an eternal dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that is incorruptible.”
Also in some places in the New Testament the impression is created that the Holy Spirit, because He led Jesus, is an independent person besides the Father, but in fact there was close cooperation and unity between the Son and the Father. In John 5:19 Jesus even says: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son cannot do anything of Himself, unless He must see it the Father do; for what He does, so does the Son likewise.” In other words, He shows this again in John 8:42: “Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; for I did not come by myself, but He sent me.” When Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert to be tempted (Matthew 4:1) it was therefore the Spirit of His Father who led Him there. And by the Spirit of the Father is meant the Father Himself, not any additional “substitute” as the doctrine of the Trinity actually teaches. Jesus therefore addressed His prayers and supplications directly to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane, there was no question of the intervention of a third person.


Sin against the Holy Spirit.

Jesus' words at Matthew 12:31-32 are used by many to proclaim that sinning against the Holy Spirit indicates that Jesus distinguished between Himself, the Father and the Holy Spirit. For He says there: “Therefore I say unto you, all sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven. If anyone speaks a word against the Son of Man, he will be forgiven; but speaks one against the Holy Spirit, he will not be forgiven, neither in this age, nor in the age to come.“ Apart from the fact that this statement has been abused many times to pronounce hell and damnation about dissenters, it is also thought that this Holy Spirit apparently occupies a special position in the “Trinity”. A position not to be trifled with. What Jesus meant to say, however, is that every person who has no interest in God's plan of salvation and who does not accept Jesus Christ as Messiah (“he who has not the Son has no eternal life”) is thereby opposing the work of the Holy Spirit. In John 16:8 Jesus namely says about the Holy Spirit: “And when He comes, He will convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment.” Jesus as a man could not convince the sinner's heart. As the Holy Spirit, however, He can make direct contact with our spirit and can convince us. Anyone who still does not want to listen and does not want to be convinced thereby condemned himself to eternal death and is guilty of sin against the Holy Spirit. It is not that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit consists only of some evil words or a stray verbal abuse, for example, during a period of depression in which everything is thrown out and from which we later repent. Sin against the Holy Spirit is a permanent resistance to the work of the Holy Spirit. A resistance that will never end and makes receiving forgiveness absolutely impossible!

In other words, we must remember that Jesus spoke about this when He was still in the flesh, so Jesus made the gospel known to the people, while it was the task of God's Spirit to convince them of their sins. Resistance against the man Jesus and against His message, for example because of incomprehension, was therefore not equal to the resistance against the convincing task of God's Spirit because only the latter could reach the heart of man. Therefore, there is no excuse for the sinner who does not want to be convinced by this and hence there is no hope anymore left.
However, the distinction between the man Jesus Christ (the Son) and the Holy Spirit, about whom Jesus spoke to the Jews, is no longer right now because Jesus has left His human form and now comes to us as the Holy Spirit. Those who have now been convinced by the Holy Spirit and have accepted the gospel do so not because they have seen the man Jesus with their own eyes, but because they have been convinced by God's Holy Spirit. This is exactly what Jesus was referring to after He was recognized by the disciple Thomas in John 20:29: “Jesus said to him, because you saw Me, did you believe? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”. He who, on the other hand, rejects and continues to reject the Son has opposed His Holy Spirit and is guilty of sin against the Holy Spirit. We come across a striking example of this in Acts 7:51 where Stephen tackles the stubborn Jews with the words: “Stubborn and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit; just as your fathers did, so do you.

The statement of Jesus from John 14:23, where He speaks of the Father and of Himself, is confirmed when we compare a number of texts from the New Testament. In the first fourTexts in the list below Jesus predicts the tribulations that will befall His followers as a result of their faith in Jesus. He promises His disciples, however, that they should not be concerned about the words they will speak in defense because these words will be prompted at that time. But as the One who gives them these words, the same person is not always mentioned. For clarity, here are the relevant parts of the text:


In this summary, 1 Peter 1:11 is a text that sheds some light on Who Jesus really is. In fact, Peter writes there: “For this salvation, the prophets, who prophesied of the grace intended for you, have searched and feared, while they searched for what or what time the Spirit of Christ was referring to them, when He witnessed beforehand all the suffering that would come upon Christ, and of all the glory thereafter.” With this Spirit of Christ, Peter designated the Spirit of God and, to remain in the language of the Old Testament, the Spirit of Yahweh.

During the years when the disciples went up with Jesus and heard Him speak daily about the things of His Kingdom, the Holy Spirit will no doubt have been mentioned more than once. When we consider that the Gospels were written several years after Jesus' Ascension and are therefore not a literal account, it is not unlikely that the Gospel writers used different names in the above passages because they were aware that Jesus, while mentioning the Holy Spirit, meant both Himself and the Father (see John 14:23).

The apostle Paul also left us a few statements on this subject in Romans 8:9 and Galatians 4:6. In Romans 8:9 it says: “On the contrary you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. However, if one does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.” With which he wanted to say that such a person without the Holy Spirit cannot understand the essence of the gospel of Christ. This is really only and exclusively possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We see here that Paul in one breath mentions the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ. In both cases he is talking about the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 4:6 it says: “And that you are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

It may also be added that even today, children of God receive God's instructions about the nature of the Holy Spirit. I am thinking here of the particularly penetrating testimony of Bill Wiese, about the horror of the fate of those who are lost. One night, in 1998, he was suddenly taken from his body while asleep and spent 23 minutes (according to Earth's time measurement) in hell. After which he met Jesus, Who instructed him to tell people what awaits the unbelievers, who very consciously reject the gospel. Desperately wondering if people would like to believe his testimony, Jesus replied: “It's not your job to convince their hearts, that 's the job of the Holy Spirit. It is your job to tell them about this and I convince their heart”. In one sentence Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit while He spoke of Himself. This is fully in line with what Jesus told His disciples about the Holy Spirit in John 14 and 16. And therefore it can easily be said that the complete dogma of the Trinity is not part of the gospel. Nowhere in the Bible can that be deduced from Jesus' words. He also did not instruct us to worship the Holy Spirit. The only ones He spoke of are God the Father and Himself.

In summary, we can say that all the attention that is drawn to the Trinity does not correspond to what Jesus Himself taught and therefore this is yet another reason to reject the whole Trinity dogma. It diverts attention from the gospel of Jesus, from the position that Jesus received from the Father, and from the fact that God also exalted Him exceedingly and gave Him the name above every name (Philippians 2: 9). Summarized, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus and the Spirit of the Father.


Matthew 28:19.

An example of a section of text that has already been discussed a great deal is Matthew 28:19. This concerns the widely used “Trinitarian” baptismal formula. It has been shown that the text of this verse has been tampered with and the “baptismal formula” added afterwards. It concerns the phrase: “and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The problem that one faces as soon as one ventures to change text parts is that unnoticed conflicts can arise with other places in the same text. Or elsewhere in the Bible. Contradictions may arise as a result of the change (s) made.
Here we read the (Dutch) NBG 1951 version of Matthew 28:19: “Go then, make all the nations My disciples, and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.” The most striking contradiction we encounter here is found in verse 19 itself.

But first the contradiction with verse 18. In this previous verse we read the following: “And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: Me is given all power in heaven and on earth.” As stated above, Jesus has been given full authority from the Father to carry out the rescue plan for this world. That's exactly what He wanted to say with these words. As a result, Jesus is the highest authority with Whom we have direct dealings and to whom we are answerable for all our words and actions. That's exactly what the apostle Peter confessed in Acts 4:12 to the enemies of the gospel of Jesus: “And the salvation is in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” And this name is Jesus Christ. That is the Name that is all about.
If we now look at the content of verse 19 as it appears in our Bible, then suddenly two names are added. While Jesus commands His apostles to make all nations His(!) Disciples in the beginning of verse 19, the apostles are subsequently instructed to act in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is a contradiction which is further emphasized by the statement of Jesus in verse 18: “I have been given all power in heaven and on earth.
For that reason, the “baptism formula” in verse 19 is rendered implausible in both verse 18 and verse 19. It is out of the question that Jesus would have given His disciples such a contradictory assignment.
In addition, Matthew 28:19 is the only place in the bible where this formula is mentioned. In all other places where acting on behalf of the highest authority in the universe is mentioned, only the Name of Jesus is mentioned. In the other three Gospels, no mention is made either of this formula in the mission statement to the apostles.

It makes sense in this regard to draw attention again to the statement of Peter in Acts 4:12 as cited above. Shortly before that, the apostles had received the Holy Spirit, so what Peter confessed in the statement he made was driven by the Holy Spirit. Here exactly happened what Jesus foretold about the Holy Spirit in John 16:14: “He will glorify Me for He will take it from Mine and proclaim it to you.” Driven by that Holy Spirit, Peter therefore confessed that there was no other name besides Jesus Christ to whom we owe our salvation. The Holy Spirit made Peter announce that it is alone Jesus Christ who bears that Name, not the Holy Spirit, not God the Father and certainly not a “divine Trinity”. With this statement, the Holy Spirit glorified Jesus Christ. A stark contrast to this is the contradictory “baptism formula” in Matthew 28:19.
We find the real baptismal formula as used by Peter in Acts 2:38, so that was pretty soon after the apostles received the missionary order from Jesus. It says there: “And Peter answered them, Repent, and every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Here too Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and here too the Holy Spirit let Peter proclaim the only Name we really have to take into account!!


The evidence.

If we now look at the evidence for adding the “baptismal formula” in Matthew 28:19, it becomes clear that in the first period after Jesus' missionary assignment in which the books (they were actually letters!) of the New Testament were written the text of Matthew 28:19 appeared in the then circulating copies of the book of Matthew without the “baptismal formula.”
The writings of the church historian Eusebius (260-340), who has a considerable amount of writing to his name, including that concerning the church history of the first centuries, contain various quotations from the writings of the time, such as those of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian. He also quotes several passages from the letters of the apostles and from the Gospels.
Thanks to the writings of this Eusebius, it has been found out that:

It should be noted that when studying the studies made on this topic, there are some minor deviations from the numbers listed here, but they do not diminish the convincing evidence that we are dealing with forgery here by adjusting the original text to the “ecclesiastical doctrine”.

Then there is another thing: successive Bible counterfeiters appear to have even more on their conscience because in its original form Matthew 28:19 read: “Go then, teach all the nations in My Name, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.” And now be honest: the various falsified, modified versions of this text don't look even similar to Jesus' original statement at all!


What I want to make clear with the above.

The cited practices of a multitude of evangelists and/or “miracle workers” have been taking place since Jesus' ascension day. Continuously Satan has been busy taking down and placing in the background the person of Jesus Christ. With all the (with much fanfare) perked up attention for “a Holy Spirit” the accent is systematically shifted from that one Name by which we can be saved to “a Holy Spirit”. Because: the result of this deception is that this so-called “Holy Spirit” is worshiped and invoked. While this is a spirit that, oh shock, will eventually turn out not to be the Holy Spirit at all but an imitation of it. Returning to the subject of this page, we must conclude that Satan also diverted Christendom's attention from our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, through the dogma of Trinity, and then turned that attention toward a dim and elusive three-piece god. The next step in this insidious process is carried out in this end time: by holding on to this doctrine of lies, multitudes of God's children do not realize that the accent is increasingly shifted to a “holy spirit” with all its “gifts of the spirit”. In the end, and I emphasize this, this spirit will prove not to be a holy spirit at all, but..... the spirit of anti-christ!


To round off, let me reiterate what I wrote at the beginning of this page: the real purpose of the Trinity dogma, as it has been smuggled into Christianity, is to divert attention from that one Name by whom we be saved, Jesus Christ. By replacing that Name with a “divine Trinity” that should be worshiped, the heart of Jesus' gospel has been cut out. And that's what my explanation is really about!

So it would be a good thing for children of God to turn first again to the One Who has received all the power in heaven and on earth, rather than being guilty of what the Trinity doctrine actually aims to accomplish. And that is to divert our attention from Jesus Christ, to promote the worship of the Holy Spirit instead as we find it in the Nicene creed: “which is worshiped and glorified together with the Father and the Son.” Nowhere(!) in the Bible are we told this to do, and for that reason we will have to reject this error.

Worshiping and paying attention to the “expressions of the Holy Spirit” have taken such a flight in evangelical and charismatic circles that many, partly due to their substandard Bible knowledge, are unaware that they are under the influence of all these distraction tactics, which come straight from the mind of the spirit of anti-christ. And that is precisely his ultimate intention when this lying spirit let the principle of the pagan Trinity slip into Christianity!

Let only that remain our confession what the apostle Peter confessed to the enemies of the gospel of Jesus in Acts 4:12: “And the salvation is in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” And this name is Jesus Christ.

For an even better understanding of the topic on this page and as a helpful addition to the above, I recommend reading Who is Yahweh?. It might answer a lot of questions that might still be bothering you after reading this page, especially the question: “Who is Jesus?”

The main problem of Protestantism is that the umbilical cord with Rome has never been cut.